Obama was an amateur, he had no experience. He was too much of an idealist and was trapped in illusions of grandeur and vanity. He fought with the republicans, he fought with the democrats, he fought with Clintons. His policies in middle east allowed ISIS to run rampant in those parts. Hillary was a hawk and an alpha female. She was not taking this lying down, she confronted Obama on various occasions, at one instance right in the middle of the oval office after a heated exchange she poked her finger twice in the chest of the president of the USA just to prove a point. Obama recited this tale to his wife, who was furious with Hillary. Obama struck back later by having Hillary take the blame for the Benghazi debacle. Hillary on TV admitted that Benghazi was not a planned terror attack but a random act of violence perpetrated by Islamic zealots who were offended by a derogatory video of the prophet Mohammed of Islam. This was in time proved to be a lie, Bill admonished Hillary for lying and this incident still comes back to bite the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016.
In 2012, Obama knew that he was going to lose the re-election. Again, the cooler heads in the Obama camp urged him to mend bridges with the Clintons and asked him to reach out to Bill. Bill the wily politician, had an uncanny knack of connecting with his audiences and charm them to voting booths. Obama and Bill struck a deal, Bill would endorse Obama and in return Obama would help Hillary get reelected in 2016. Michelle and the super chief of staff Valarie hated this deal, Valarie told Obama that after election he could always back out from the deal. He would get the presidency and then he does not owe anyone anything. This has been another problem during the Obamas reign, they have never returned favors and once they grabbed power they never looked out for their supporters. Oprah who was an ardent Obama supporter was also dumped by the Obama camp, when they needed her support again in 2012 she decided to dump them.
Bill did endorse Obama in a close election and Obama managed to get the hot seat again. The US presidency is as much a game of personalities as it is of power and ideology. The feud between the Obamas and Clintons is one of power and ego. Barack feels a sense of destiny and does not want to give up control over the democratic party, Michelle and Valerie know that through Obama they can control the democrats and implement their left agenda, on the other hand Bill feels like last 8 years have been an aberration and he want to control the white house through his wife and implement his own policies. Hillary knows that if she gets elected Bill would want to rule through proxy, but she will never allow it!
The similarities between the TV show House of Cards and the Clintons is striking. If you have not seen it please do check it out on Netflix. fyip - Guess what is the name of Bill's right hand guy? Doug!
Fascinating piece of work, I read the entire book in one sitting. Engrossing and full of 'Masala'. Even if half of the things in this book is true(author does not reveal his sources) we have much more entertainment to look forward to during the Clinton reign.

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