Glenn Beck, a republican supporter and a christian fundamentalist, takes on Islam in his book "It is about Islam". Several years earlier Beck had predicted the creation of ISIS, he was mocked and was looked down upon as a political commentator and journalist. Beck's prediction of course came true and with it he was elevated in the eyes of the media as an astute and visionary erudite on the subject of Islam and terrorism. In this book, Beck takes us through the history, present and future of Islam. The book is deeply critical of Islam and its followers!
Beck often verges on Islamophobia, he has an irrational fear of Islam and that is quite apparent in this 200+ page book. Beck takes to heart the plan of some Al Qaeda crack heads, the 20 year plan which is entirely spectacular and if you look at it in retrospect seems to be eerily coming true, but it does not stand up to rational critical analyses. For those of you interested can find it here:
Phase 1 Muslim Awakening(2000-2003), provoking the West with 9/11
Phase 2 Opening Eyes(2003-2006), making Jihad a well known ideology and dragging USA into Iraq
Phase 3 Arising and standing up(2007-2010), spreading Jihad to the rest of the middle east, especially Syria
Phase 4 Collapse(2010-2013), Fall of the Infidel governments, replacing stable but tyrannical governments with Jihadists or chaos, creating conditions for more Muslims to join Jihad.
Phase 5 Caliphate(2013-2016), creation of the Islamic state
Phase 6 Total Confrontation(2016-19), dragging the western crusaders into Syria and Iraq and waging a open holy war
Phase 7 Definitive Victory(2020), End of the crusaders and victory of the believers.
As per Beck, ISIS and Al Qaeda we are in Phase 6 of the bloody war in the middle east. In about 5 years America and the west will be defeated and the black flags of ISIS will fly around the entire middle east. All the war mongers and Islamic terrorists forget
a) Saudi Arabia has a powerful military, backed by the US, the monarchy has persisted for close to a century and can destroy ISIS
b) Iran, shia dominated will never let ISIS win as that would mean a death knell for Shias around the region.
c) By burning people alive, raping children, looting and keeping slaves ISIS has driven itself to the fringes of Islam with only few radical supporters outside Syria and Iraq.
d) International powers like Russia and US have an axe to grind with ISIS.
e) People of Iraq and Syria, are starting to move away from ISIS and fighting the terrorist group in different regions and forums.
I do have to admit with Beck about few things, Muslims need to introspect, religion cannot be an overpowering, all encompassing force in one's life. They have to learn to keep religious practices and views private, not shove it down people's throats all the time. Muslims also need to check and curb fundamentalists among them whenever and wherever they can. Bring reform and stop insulting non believers. Everyone's thoughts and views have to be respected.
Another area where Beck hits the nail on the head is the abject failure of the Obama administration in dealing with ISIS. Obama has from the start underplayed and underestimated the threat posed by ISIS, had he not done this ISIS would not have grown into the monster that it is today.
Overall, the book is quite a nice read. Its fast paced, succinct, and tears down the terror apologists arguments. I do not agree with the author on a lot of things but that does not mean I did not enjoy his book.
4 out of 5 stars.
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